D-5 Until Take-Off

I can't believe there's only five days until I leave to fly out to Korea. Honestly, I haven't thought about it too much, about how I will be studying abroad soon, and how I will be living in another country for a little over a month...and how that is going to start in five days. I mean, I've never been in another country longer than two weeks! So...this is going to be one crazy experience ðŸ˜ą(even though a month might not be a big deal for anyone else).

To sum my whole month up, I will be attending Ewha Womans University for four weeks in total, taking two classes: a Korean language class, and a Korean Culture and Traditional Folklore Class. Both classes count as transferable credit to my minor in Korean at Rutgers University. ðŸ˜Ū As for the Korean language class, all students who wish to take the language have to take a placement test online (prior to arrival at the university). I took mines a little less than a week ago, and my next scheduled placement test is the day after check-in for a one-on-one oral test. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that though, since my reading, writing, and comprehension is so much better than my oral skills, hahaha. 😓

I haven't started packing yet, but I will probably do most of that on Friday when I am back home from my internship in New York. I don't even know where to start in terms of packing long-term and figuring out what I need to bring and what I can give up. I think I may have to start making a list of things I need to pack before the time comes -- I'm a little nervous, but there's still a "week" left, so it hasn't hit yet.

Anyway, time to get back to work. I'll be posting again soon! 😁


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